How to Get A Clearance Certificate From the National Register for Sex Offenders

The National Register for Sex Offenders contains the particulars of individuals who have been convicted of sexual offences against children and mentally disabled people. Apply for a clearance certificate to find out whether you, a prospective employee, or someone else is on the register.

I’ve written about the need for greater oversight where the care of children is concerned before, explaining how Unregistered daycare facilities pose a danger to young children. However all children deserve protection, and using the NRSO in the vetting process of prospective educators and carers can enhance overall child safety and provide parents with added peace of mind.

Who is included in the NRSO?

The website of the Department of Justice provides a list of crimes against children and mentally disabled children which would make an offender eligible for inclusion on the NRSO. While the wording on the website itself deserves some attention, the list includes the following crimes:

  • Rape
  • Compelled rape
  • Sexual assault
  • Compelled sexual assault;
  • Compelled self-sexual assault
  • Acts of consensual sexual penetration with certain children (statutory rape)
  • Acts of consensual sexual violation with certain children (statutory sexual assault)
  • Compelling or causing children to witness sexual offences, sexual acts, or self-masturbation
  • Exposure or display or causing exposure or display of genital organs, anus, or female breasts to children
  • Sexual exploitation of children and persons who are mentally disabled;
  • Sexual grooming of children and persons who are mentally disabled;
  • Exposure or display of or causing exposure or display of child pornography or pornography to children or persons who are mentally disabled;
  • Using children or persons who are mentally disabled for pornographic purposes or benefit from such materials.

Individual entries in the NRSO will contain a convicted offender’s personal details and contact details, as well as the type of offence and whether it was committed against a child or a mentally disabled person.

NRSO Clearance Certificate Forms

At present, there are three separate applications for an NRSO Clearance Certificate to choose from. However, it is important to note that there are limitations on who may submit requests for clearance certificates. Eligible entities include:

  • Employers
  • Relevant authorities (e.g. government departments)
  • A person enquiring about their particulars
  • A person applying for a licence or approval to manage or operate any entity (e.g. a creche)
  • A person applying to become a foster parent or a kinship caregiver
  • A person applying for adoption, curatorship, or safe caregiving

Each application form has a checklist of requirements, as indicated below. 

Form J738: Applying for a Clearance Certificate for yourself

You will need to complete and sign Form 7 [J738], and submit your application along with: 

  • A detailed reason(s) for your application
  • A certified copy of your identity document or passport
  • A fingerprint report 
  • Your complete forwarding or postal address / physical address / contact numbers / email address / any contact details

Form J739: Applying for a Clearance Certificate on behalf of someone else by a relevant authority

Form 8 [J739] is intended for an authority or institution applying on behalf of another person(s). Examples of such authorities and institutions include creches, schools, and other educational institutions where adults are charged with the care or education of children or disabled individuals, adoption agencies, caregiving institutions, and so on. 

Fully complete form J739, and submit it along with:

  • A certified copy of an identity document / passport of the person on whose behalf an application is submitted
  • A fingerprint report on whose behalf an application is submitted
  • Your complete forwarding or postal address / physical address / contact numbers / email address / any contact details

Form J958: Applying for a Clearance Certificate as an individual on behalf of someone else

Use Form 8A [J958] if you are not an authority or institution, but wish to apply for a Clearance Certificate on behalf of someone else. Submit your application along with: 

  • A certified copy of an identity document / passport of the person on whose behalf an application is submitted
  • A certified copy of your identity document / passport
  • A fingerprint report on whose behalf an application is submitted
  • Written consent by the person on whose behalf the application is submitted that he or she approves disclosure of his or her personal information to you
  • Your complete forwarding or postal address / physical address / contact numbers / email address / any contact details

Important: Keep this in mind

Applying for an NRSO Clearance Certificate is not without responsibility. Individuals contained in the NRSO are not allowed to work with children or individuals who are mentally disabled, irrespective of when the offence occurred or whether the individual had already been employed in such a position at the time of the offence. Individuals who are employed in a position where there is contact with children or mentally disabled individuals are obligated to inform their employers immediately. Not doing so may amount to imprisonment, a fine, or both.

Employers who discover that an employee is on the register are obligated to ensure that the employee in question does not have contact with children or individuals who are mentally disabled, such as transferring the individual in question to another department or post. Where the latter isn’t possible, the individual’s employment should be terminated.

In the same breath, it should be noted that disclosing the identity or personal details of an individual whose details appear in the NRSO is itself a criminal offence. This is of particular importance when an employee contained in the NRSO is facing dismissal for the same reason.

How CSI Africa can help

CSI Africa’s National Capture Partner network makes it easy to get the fingerprint reports needed for NRSO Clearance Certificates. We also provide detailed background checks and polygraphs on prospective and current employees to help educational institutions provide safe learning environments for children.

13 Responses

  1. Good day, I work for a security company and we have officers at schools and the requirements are that they have an NSRO clearance certificate before working on the site. What is the process and how does it work?

    1. Hallo – we assist with these checks. You can send an email to to start the process. Basically it requires 3 checks – One from SAPS, one from Department of Justice and another from Department of Social Development. They would need to submit fingerprints and copies of their ID’s as well as application forms.

  2. Good day,

    I am South African and require a Sexual Offenders report/certificate for my teaching position.

    Could you kindly provide me with an indication regarding whether you can assist? A timeframe? The necessary documentation you require? And the cost?

    Your assistance is much appreciated.

    Kind regards
    Vanessa Brand-Ho

  3. If u where conficted before ,the National register of sex offenders was amend will your name appear on. the register

  4. Good day
    I am working in a different government department. On the premise there is a primary and a high school, education district, and another education department. Should everyone that works on the premise be cleared on the child sex offenders register, and the other requirements prescribed, i.e., police clearance. Even though I am not working with the school children.
    Please advise.

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